Sustainable Living - Part 2

Sustainable Living - Part 2
I shouldn't admit how excited I am for this plant-based cleaner.  Ya'll I could be it's hype-woman!    
No gatekeeping, this is my top recommendation for every home and office on the entire plant to have stocked.  It works on #AllTheThings and you won't turn back once you have it.


Crafting Comfort: Easy and Affordable DIY Lip Balm for All

Crafting Comfort: Easy and Affordable DIY Lip Balm for All
It's time to ditch the lip balm aisle and join the 'DIY-lips' movement! 
This recipe is so simple to get your whole family stocked up and is easy enough for the kids to get involved and help.  You'll never need store-bought again and won't want to go back once you have experienced all-natural and long-lasting lip nourishment without the artificial yuck and for a fraction of the price. #Winning

AI for Travel Adventurers

AI for Travel Adventurers
In my years of travel adventures, it took a lot of time and planning to discover all the best things to consider checking out on the next trip.   From food to sites, history, and one-of-a-kind, it used to take a lot of time to compile all the must-do things for a new place.

It's time to try AI as your travel adventure co-pilot!

Being an echo

Being an echo

You might not have been named Echo like I was, but we have the same calling believe it or not!  
God put each of us here for a purpose, and while the adventures we are each on may look very different, they were meant to answer the same purpose.  Let's talk about it!


My Switch to Team Autumn

My Switch to Team Autumn

I didn't think it would ever happen, but I find myself considering joining Team Autumn...   
As a huge fan of summer and the celebration of birth-month across all of July, I didn't see this change coming, but here I am!

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